Mojor sins from: 34 to 60


The Major Sins: 34 to 60

by al-Hâfidh Abî 'Abdullâh Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Uthmân bin Qayyim Dhahabî

Fatal Sin Thirty Four: Treachery

Allaah says :

  betray not the trust of Allaah and His Messenger, nor mis appropriate knowingly things entrusted to you.  

He also says :

  And that Allaah will never guide the snare or the false.  

The Prophet said : He who lacks honesty, lacks faith. and there is no religion for oath's traitors. The Prophet also said : There are three signs for the hypocrite: He always tells lies, he always breaks his promises, and he always betray honestly.

Treachery in everything is ugly some of its kinds are worse than others, for he who betrays you in o pence is not like that one who betrays you in your family and your money and commits fatal sins.

Fatal Sin Thirty Five: Learning for secular purposes and concealing knowledge

Allaah says

  ...Those truly fear Allaah among His servants who have knowledge.  

He also says :

  Those who conceal the clear signs we have sent down, and the guidance after we have made it clear for the people of the Book on them shall be Allaah's curse.  

Another verse is :

  Those who conceal Allaah's revelation....  

another verse is :

  Allaah took a covenant from the people of the Book to make it known......  

The Prophet said : He who learns some thing that Allaah appreciates for secular purposes, Paradise is forbidden for him. and we have seen those who are drawn at the day of judgement on their faces to hell, and how it is said to one of them : You learned so it could be said that you are a knowledgable man, and it was said so.

Jabir said that the Prophet said : Don't learn for the sake of gaining high position at meetings. He who so will be damned to hell. The Prophet also said : He who learns for the sake of Pride or to quarrel in speeches with insolent ones, or to gain peoples's hearts will be damned to Hell-fire. In another narration : Allaah will damn him to Hell-Fire. The Prophet said : He who is asked about knowledge he knows and does not reveal it, will be sewed with fire at the Day of Judgement. The Prophet said : O Allaah forbid us knowledge that is useless. In another tradition the Prophet said : He who learns for secular purposes or not for Allaah's sake, would settle down on his place in Hell. Ibn Masu'd said: He who does not apply what he learns on himself, his knowledge will give him nothing but pride. The Prophet said : The knowledgeable one is taken at the Day of Judgement and he is thrown in hell walking around as the donkey with the millstone. Then he will be asked : For what mistake you are tortured like this and you used to guide us? This man answered : I was doing what I told you it is forbidden. Hilal ibn Al'ala said : It is harder to ask for knowledge memorizing it is more harder, working in accordance is even harder, but preventing the self from its dangers is the hardest.

Fatal Sin Thirty Six: Reminding of Charities

Allaah says :

  O you who believe, cancel not your charity by reminders of your generosity or by injury......  

In the Hadeeth the Prophet said : Three are those whom Allaah will not speak to nor look at, nor honour at the day of judgement and they will be tortured grievously : the lowerer of his clothes, the reminder of his charities, and the seller of his goods by false swearings. The Prophet also said ; Three are those whom Allaah does not accept of good deeds nor justice from them : the disbeliever of his parents, the reminder of charities, and the disbeliever of fate.

Fatal Sin Thirty Seven: Disbelieving Fate

Allaah shows this sin in many verses in the Qur'aan :

  Verily all things we have created in proportion and measure.
But Allaah has created you and your handi work. 
To such as Allaah rejects from is guidance there can be no guide. 
Allaah has knowingly left him astray.
But you will not except as Allaah wills.
And its enlightment as to its wrong and its right.

In the book of true traditions there is the tradition of Jibraeel who said : O Prophet of Allaah ! What is faith (believing) ? The Prophet said to him : Believe in Allaah, Angels His Books His Prophets the Day of Judgement, ressurection after death, and fate [good or bad].

'Aisha, the Prophets wife said : the Prophet said : Six are those whom I damned and Allaah damned and also the Prophets : the disbeliever in fate, the adder in Allaah's Book, unjust dominator, the one who permits forbidden things, the one who reduces the honour of the Prophet - or his family by insulst or hatred and the leaver of my tradition. The Prophet said : The disobeyer of Parents, the disbeliever in fate, and the drunkard do not enter Paradise.

Ibn 'Umar said that the Prophet said : The disbelievers in fate are the magians of this Ummah. if they are sick do not visit them and if they die do not pray on them. ibn 'Umar said also that the Prophet said : there will be disbelievers in fate in this Ummah. a man came once to Ibn Umar saying that a man sends him his greetings Ibn Umar said : I was told that the is a causer of evil in Islaam if he is so do not send him my greetings I heard the Prophet says : There will be destruction and falsification in this Ummah destruction to those who do not believe in fate The Prophet also said : Man is not a pure believer unless he believes in four things : Allaah is the only Diety, and I am the Prophet of Allaah, believe in ressurection and in fate. The Prophet said : The magians of this Ummah are the disbelievers in fate if they are sick do not visit them, if they die don't pray on them, and if you met them do not greet them.

Muad'h ibn jabal said : The Prophet said : In every Prophets nation whom Allaah sent there are disbelievers in fate and Murji'a. Allaah cursed them through sevnty Prophets. Abu Huraira said : the Prophet said : Three are those whom Allaah will not speak to, nor look at, nor honour, at the day of Judgement, the disbelievers in fate, the drunkard, and the one who frees himself from his reponsiblity towards his son.

Hudaifah said the Prophet said : Every nation has its magians, and the magians of this nation are the disbelievers in fate. Ibn Abbas said : The Prophet said : Two kinds of this nation are not pure muslims : the disbelievers in fate and the Murjia. The Prophet also said : Some things about fate were delayed by concealing them because of the evil disbelievers in fate. Another tradition is Allaah has created every inventor and his invention.

Fatal Sin Thirty Eight: Spying at others

May be it is not a fatal sin :

Allaah says :

  And spy not on each other  

The Prophet said : He who spies on others talks and they hate it, a melted lead will be poured in his ears at the Day of Judgement. And he who pictures a pictures is tortured at the Day of Judgement and is asked to give it life which he would not be able to.

Fatal Sin Thirty Nine: Cursing

The Prophet said : Cursing a believer is as killing him.

The Prophet also said : Insulting a Muslim is iniquity and fighting him is blasphemey. He also said : Don't curse each other with Allaah's curse, nor with Allaah's wrath, nor with Hell. Another hadeeth is : Cursors are no intercessors nor witnesses at the Day of Judgement. The Prophet said also : A friend should not be acurser. The Prophet also said : the believer is not a slanderer, nor a curser, nor atrocious, nor obscene. He said also : When a man curses a thing this curse goes up towards Paradise, the doors of Paradise are shut against it, the curse then moves right and left it finds no way for it, then it goes back down to the cursed one if he deserves it or else to the curser.

The Prophet punished the woman who cursed her camel by taking it away from her. It is said by Imran that : Once the Prophet was in one of his travels, and a woman of the ansar riding her camel ; this woman got bored of the camel and cursed it. The Prophet said : Take whatever on this camel and leave it for it is a cursed thing now.

Abu Huraira said that the Prophet said : What is worse than taking interest is the over bearing talk of a man about his Muslim brother.

Fatal Sin Forty: Betraying the King

Allaah says :

  ...and fulfill every engagement, for it will enquired into ...  

He also says :

  O you who belive fulfil (all) obligations .....  

A third verse is:

  Fulfil the covenant of Allaah when you have entreated into it...  

The Prophet said : A hypocrite is the one who has one or the four of the following characteristics : He lies when he speaks, he betrays when he is entrusted on something, he cheats disloyaly when he oaths, and he commits sins when he disputes with others. The Prophet said every traitor has his symbol - at the Day of Judgement on his behind or back, he is told : This symbol for betraying such man, there is nothing greater than betraying the king of subjects. Another hadeeth is : Allaah says : three are those whom I will be their disputer at the day of judgement :a man oaths and betrays his oath, a man sells a free man and took (unjustly) his price, and a man who heirs another man and when the work is done the former does not give the latter his salary. The Prophet said : He who leaves obedience to a king meets Allaah with no pretext and he who dies and has no bargain to a king, dies as the pre-Islaamic ones.

The Prophet said : He who wishes to be taken out of fire and enter Paradise, must die when he is a believer in Allaah and the Day of Judgement, and he must do people right as he likes them to do for him. And He who bargains with his king and gave him his oath of subjection, and all his heart, he must obey him if he can, If another one came to dispute him, cut his neck [the disputor]. The Prophet also said : He who obeys me, obeys Allaah and he who disobeys me disobeys Allaah, and he who obeys his king, obeys me, and he who disobeys him , disobeys me. Another hadeeth is : He who hates something from his king must be patient, for he who rebels against his king dies as those who die unbelievingly, The Prophet also said : He who leaves the group for even as much as an inch takes the bargain of Islaam off his neck. This is true from many angles. What is greater than establishing a bargain then betrays it and fights the king with a sword or let him down that he is killed. The Prophet also said : He who fights us is not one of us.

The Major Sins: 41 to 50

by Abû Bakr Muhammad bin Ibrâhîm bin al-Mundhir an-Naisâbûrî (d. 318 AH / n/a CE)


Fatal Sin Forty One: Believing Fortune Tellers & Astrologers

Allaah says :

  And pursue not that of which you have no knowledge.  

Allaah also says :

  ....For suspicion in some cases is a sin.  


  ...He (alone) knows the unseen nor does it make anyone acquainted with his mysteries except a Prophet whom He has chosen.  

The Prophet said : He who asks a fortune teller or an astrologer something and believes him of what he says is a blasphemer [denied every thing that was revealed to Muhammad]. One and after a rainy night, the Prophet said : Allaah the Almighty says : there are believers and blasphemers among my human creatures this morning : He who said we were rained by the mercy and generosity of Allaah is a believer, and he who said we were rained by the planets is a blasphemer of me and a believer in the planets. The Prophet said : He who goes to a fortune teller and asks him something and believes him in what he says, His prayers would not be accepted for forty days. The Prophet also says : He who acquries something from stars, has acquired something from magic.

Fatal Sin Forty Two: Disloyalty of Women

Allaah says :

  As to those women on those part you fear disloyalty and ill-conduct, admonish them (first), (next) refuse to share their beds and lst beat them (lightly), but if they return to obedience seek not against them of annoyance.  

The Prophet said : If a man invites his wife to bed and she refuses and he becomes angry on her, the angels curse her till morning.

In another hadeeth : if a woman slept leaving her husbands bed the angels curse her. In another tradition : By he who has my soul in His hand no man invites his wife to bed and she refuses but He who is in heaven curses her till the husband is again satisfied with her. The Prophet said : It is forbidden for the woman to fast without her husbands permission and it is forbidden on her also to invite people to the house wiht out his permission. The Prophet said : If I commanded anyone to prostrate to anyone else, I would command the wife to prostrate to her husband. Ibn Muhsins aunt said that when she complained to her husband to the Prophet the Prophet said to her: watch yourself with him he is your paradise or hell. Abdullah Ibnamr said : the Prophet said : Allaah does not look on a woman who does not appreciate her husband while she cannot live without him. The Prophet also said : she who goes out from her husbands house is cursed by the angels till she comes back or parents.

Fatal Sin Fourty Three: The Severor of the bonds of Kinship

Allaah says :

  And reverence the wombs for Allaah ever watches over you.  

He also says :

  Then is it to be expected of you if you were put in authority that you will do mischief in the land an break your ties of kith and kin? Such are the men whom Allaah has cursed for he has made them deaf and blinded their sights.  

The Prophet said : the Serveror of the bonds of kinship does not enter Paradise. He also says : He who believes in Allaah and the Hereafter should keep in contact with his kins. The Prophet also said : When Allaah created the creation , the kinship stood and said : This is the place of the one who asks you forbidness of severing the bonds of kinship.

Allaah says : Yes, don't you wish to satisfy the one who satisfies you, And disatisfy the one who disatifies you? The kinship says : Yes. The Prophet said : He wishes from Allaah to increase his welfare should keep in contact with his kins. Another hadeeth is : Kinship is tied with the Throne of Allaah saying : He who keeps in contact with me, Allaah will keep in contact with him [satisfies him] And he who cuts me [leave me] Allaah will cut him. In another narration that Prophet said : Allaah says He who keeps in contact with it (kinship) I will be in contact with him, and he who cuts it I will cut him. Allaah says But those who break the covenant of Allaah after having plighted their word there to , and cut as under those things which Allaah has commanded to be joined , and work mischief in the land : on them is the curse, for them is the terrible home. (Hell). The Prophet said : Allaah the Almighty says : I am the Merciful and it is kinship : He who keeps in contact with it I keep in contact with him, and He who leaves it, I leave him. I [author] say : the ones meant in this tradition are the ones who leave their poor kins when he is wealthy, and also the ones who leave their kins by ignoring , fooling, and showing dryness towards them. The Prophet said : Dew your kins even with greetings.

Fatal Sin Forty Four: Picture on walls, Clothes, & the Like.

The Prophet said : He who pictures a painting is asked to blow life in to it which he would not be able to do. He said also : the worst torture at the day of Judgement is for those who were creators of things. They are asked Bring into life what you have created . 'Aisha the Prophet s wife said : When the Prophet arrived from one of his travels and saw that I had covered a cloth of mine with a light cloth full of pictures; his face turned red and he tore up the cloth saying : People who recieve the worst punishement from Allaah are those who compete with his creation. The Prophet said : A neck like fire comes from hell saying: I was assigned : I was assigned for he who worshipped another god with Allaah, and for he who is a stubborn tyrant, and for pictorial representatives. The Prophet said : Those who make pictures are tortured at the Day of Judgement they are told : bring into life what you have created. Ibn Abbas said : I heard the Prophet said : Every pictorail representative is in hell. Souls of every picture he has made are made to him which torture him in hell. Picture : immitation.

The Prophet said: Allaah the Almighty says : Who is more unfair (unjust) than he who creates like what I create, let them create a seed or barly or an atom if they can. Create immitate, pictorial representation, or making pictures for living things. It is true that the Prophet had cursed those who try to immitate Allaah's creation.

Fatal Sin Forty Five: Culminator

Allaah says :

  Heed not the type of despicable man ready with oath,a slander, going on about culminies. He said also : Would any of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother.  

The Prophet also said : A culminator does not enter Paradise. The Prophet once passed by two graves then said : They are being tortured for a great sin One of them was a culminator, the other did not clean himself from urine. The Prophet said : The worst of the people is the equivocal person who comes to those with one face and to those with the other. The Prophet said : Nobody tells me anything about my companions , for I like to see them with a pure heart. K'ab said : Avoid culmination for the culminator can not avoide the grave's punishment. Mujahid said about the bearer of the firewood. The one who culminates, slanders or bespeaks about others.

Fatal Sin Fourty Six: Weeping and Slapping ones face

The Prophet said Two things in people which are blashpemey : Defaming kinship and weeping on the dead. The Prophet said : If the weeper did not repent she will be with a shield of manage and a cloth of tar at the day of judgement. The Prophet also said : He who slaps his face, tears his clothes, and who prays with he prayers of the ignorant is not of us. The Prophet also said : the dead is tortured in his grave for what he is wept for. The Prophet cleared himself from those women : slanders of the dead the cutter of her hair, and the one who tears her clothes for the dead.

Fatal Sin Forty Seven: Defaming Kinship

The Prophet said : Two things in people which are blasphemey : Defaming kniship and weeping the dead.

Fatal Sin Forty Eight: Outrage or Unjustice

Allaah says :

  The blame is only against those who oppress men with wrong doing and insolently transgress beyond bounds through the land defying right and justice. For such there will be penalty grievous.  

The Prophet said : The Almighty revealed to me that you must humble to each other so no one outrages the other and be proud. It is said if the mountain outrages the other, Allaah will demolish the former. The Prophet also says : There is no sin worth immediate punishment here on earth beside to what is kept in the hereafter than unjust ( or outrage) and severing the bonds of kinship. Malik al-rrahwai said: O Prophet of Allaah ! I was given beauty that you can see, and I don't like to be competed in it, is this outrage or unjust? The Prophet answered ; This is not outrage , it is transgressing on others rights and feeling proud on others. Allaah destroyed karun for his injustice and outrage. The Prophet said : A woman was tortured because of a cat she would not let it free until it died which damned the woman to hell. The woman did not feed the cat or let it eat from the land. Ibn Umar said : The Prophet of Allaah curse the one who took a living thing as his target. Abu Mas'ud said: I was whipping a servant of mine with a whip when I heard a voice saying : Learn Abu Mas'ud But I didn't recognise the voice because of anger. When the voice came nearer I realized it was the Prophet saying to me : Allaah has power on you than you have on him [the servant]. From that time I promised myself that I would not strike a servant again. In another tradition. I said Ibn Mas'ud : He is free for the sake of Allaah. Then the Prophet said : if you hadn't done so hell would have burnt you. A third narration ....then the scourge fell from my hand.

The Prophet said : He who strikes his servant unpurposely or slapped him, his atonement is to free him. The Prophet also said : Allaah tortures those who torture people on earth. Once the Prophet passed a donkey stigmatized on his face and said : Allaah curses the one who stigmatized it . the Prophet also said : He who kills a soul allied with Allaah and the Prophet will never smell the fragrance of Paradise, and its fragrance is found from 500 years away.

Fatal Sin Forty Nine: Rebelion & Charging of Unbelief

Allaah says :

  But do not transgress limits, for Allaah loves not transgressors.  

Allaah says :

  If any one disobeys Allaah and His Messneger, he is indeed on clearly wrong path.  

The Prophet said : He who says to his brother Kafir : one of them will bear it . As for the khawarij there are a lot of opinions about them, a lot of disagreement aroused between people about their belief, because the Prophet said : They deviate the religion like an arrow goes through the throw, where ever you find them kill them. He also said about them : the worst killed under Paradise, and the best he whom they kill. Al-Khawarij heretics, permitors of forbidden bloods (souls) an blashpemey, they blasphmey 'Uthmaan and 'Alee and a group of great companions of Muhammad. Abe Aufa said : I heard the Prophet saying : al-Khawarij are the dogs of Hell. Sa'id Ibn Juhman said : I went to Ali Ibn Awfa and he was blind. He said to me : Who are you I said : Sa'id ibn Juhman he said : How is your father ? I said : He was killed by the 'Azariqah. He said : Allaah damned them. Then he said : The Prophet told us that they are the dogs of Hell. I said : the 'Azariqah only?!! He said All of the Khawarij Abu Hafs said that he heard Abdullah Ibn Abi 'Awfa when they were fighting the Khawarij saying : I heard the Messenger of Allaah saying : Good fortune is for the one who killed them and the one killed by them.

Fatal Sin Fifty: Hurting Muslims and Insulting them.

Allaah says :

  And those who annoy believing men and women undeservingly bear (on themselves) a calmuny and a glaring sin.  

Allaah also says :

  And spy not on each other, nor speak ill of each other behined their backs.  

He also says :

  O you who believe !! Let not some men wrong you laugh at ohters It may be that the latter are better than the former.  

A third verse is :

  Woe to every scandal monger and backbiter  

The Prophet said : The worst rank of people to Allaah are those whom people act goodly towards him to avoid his obscenity. The Prophet also said : Allaah hates the abominable obscene. The Prophet said: Slaves of Allaah ! Allaah has created embarresment but not defaming your brothers, he who does so will be destroyed. The Prophet also said : the Muslim is forbidden on the Muslim : his honour, money and blood. Virtue [piety ] is here [Pointing to his chest]. It is enough for him to commit a sin to despise his brother. The Prophet said ; A Muslim is the brother of a Muslim, he must not unfair him nor let him down nor dispise him. It is enough of evil to dispise his Muslim brother. Allaah says : Those who love to see scandal published broadcast among the believers, will have a grievous penalty in this life and in the Hereafter. The Prophet said : Insulting the Muslim is sinfulness and fighting him is blasphemey. The Prophet also said : He whom his nieghbour does not trust his evilness, does not enter Paradise.The Prophet also said : By Allaah he does not believe, By Allaah he does not believe By Allaah he does not believe, It is said who is he, Prophet of Allaah? He said He whom his neighbour does not trust his evilness. In another wording the Prophet said : He will not enter Paradise whom his neighbour does not trust his evilness. The Prophet said : He who believes in Allaah and the Hereafter do not hurt his neighbour. In Muslim's narration : He who believes in Allaah and the Hereafter act well to his neighbour. Abi Yahya said : I heard Abu Huraira says : It was said to the Prophet, O Prophet of Allaah! There is a woman who prays her night, fasts during the day, but by her tongue hurts others. That is she is vicious. The Prophet said : There is no good in her, she is to hell. The Prophet said : Remember the merits of your deeds and cease telling their mistakes (sins) It is said that the Prophet said : he who calls a man with blasphemey or said to him : enemy of Allaah and the latter is not, these will turn on him. 'Anas said : the Prophet said : when I was ascended to the Heavens I saw people with copper nails scratching their faces and breasts. I asked : O Jibrail Who are they ? he said : They are those who eating peoples flesh and defaming them. The Prophet said: It is one of the fatal sins insulting the parents. They said Does a man insult his parents? The Prophet said : Yes. He insults others parents and the latter insults his. In another narration : It is one of the fatal sins cursing the parents they said O Prophet of Allaah , how a man curses his parents? The Prophet said : by insulting others father and mother, then the latter returns back the insult for him. The Prophet said : no man calls the other blasphemer or sinner for if the latter is not so, these attributes will turn back to him. The Prophet also said : Do not insult the dead for they have told me what they have done .

The Major Sins: 51 to 60

by al-Hâfidh Abî 'Abdullâh Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Uthmân bin Qayyim Dhahabî


Fatal Sin no 51: Insulting friends of Allaah and being Hostile to them

Allaah says :

  Those who annoy Allaah and His Rasool Allaah has cursed them in this world and in the hereafter.  

The Prophet said that Allaah says : He who insults a friend of mine I will declare war in him. In another narration he competes in war In the hadeeth O Aba Bakr ! If you made them angry you made Allaah angry. Them refers to the Muhajireen.

Fatal Sin no. 52: Lowering clothes out of Pride

Allaah says :

  ....Nor walk in insolence through the earth........  

The Prophet said : Whatever cloth is beyond the ankle is in the Hell. He also said : Allaah does not look at the one who drags his clothes out of pride. The Prophet also said : Three are those whom Allaah will not look at nor praise and will receive painful punishement : the lowerer of his clothes, the reminder of charities and one who sells his goods with false swearings. The Prophet also said : Once a man was walking wearing a suit which he was proud of his hair is combed and walking proudly, Allaah destroyed him by allowing the earth to swallow him up, and he will remain rattling there until the day of Judgement. The Prophet said also : Letting down is in clothes, shirts, and in turbans. he who drags his clothes out of pride Allaah will not look at him on the day of judgement. Jabir ibn Salim said : avoide lowering clothes for it is pride, and Allaah does not like pride. Abu Huriara said : The Prophet said to a man who was praying lowering his cloth : go and ablute. the man did so . The Prophet said : go and ablute then a man said to the Prophet : O Prophet of Allaah Why did you comand him to ablute again ? then became silent? The Prophet said : He was praying while lowering his cloth, and Allaah does not accept the prayer of such a man. The Prophet said: He who lowers his cloth, Allaah will not look at him on the day of judgement. Then Abu Bakr said : O Prophet of Allaah ! my clothe lowers down until I lift it up. The Prophet then said to him : You are not one of those. Abu Sa'id said: The prophet of Allaah said : The cloth of the Believer is to half his legs, and no harm if it was to the ankles, but whatever beyond the ankles is in hell. He who lowers his cloth Allaah will never look at him on the day of judgement. The Prophet said : the cloth of the Mumin is to half the legs. Ibn 'Umar said : I passed by the Prophet and my cloth was lowered down, the Prophet then said : O Abdullaah! Lift your cloth. Then I lift it . Then the Prophet said More. Then I lifted it more. And from that time I was careful not to lower it again .

Fatal Sin no. 53: Wearing Silk and Gold for a man

Allaah says :

  But the raiment of righteousness - that is the best.  

The Prophet said : He who wears silk on earth will never wear it in the Hereafter. He also says : he who wears silk has no fortune in the hereafter. The Prophet also said : Gold and silks are forbidden on the males of my Ummah and permitted for females only. Hudaifah said : The Prophet forbade us to drink in a gold or silver - made containers nor to wear silk or silk brocade nor to sit on them. it is true that the Prophet permitted silk, only for those suffer itching with in four fingers measure, and he permitted using a tooth of gold also. He who wears a garment of silk, or garments adorned with silk garments *** or ** with gold or gold itself, has commited a sin.

Fatal Sin No. 54: Escaping the master

The Prophet said : if the slave escapes his master, his prayer will not be accepted. He said also : Any slave escapes his master the covenant of protection is cleared from him. The Prophet said also Three are whom Allaah will not accept their prayers nor merits are given to them : the escaping slave till he returns back to his master, the damned woman by her husband till he is satisfied and the drunkard till he wakes up. In another hadeeth the Prophet says : Allaah curses the one one who follows not his master. Another hadeteh is : Three whom you should notask about : a man who leaves his master and died on this disobedience, a slave who ran away from his master and died, and a woman whom her husband left her in a good state then she played on her charms.

Fatal Sin No. 55: Slaying not in the Name of Allaah

Allaah says :

  Eat not of (meats) on which Allaah's name has not been pronounced.  

Hani, Ali's servant said: Ali once said to me. O hani' what do people say ? hani said : they say that you have knowledge from the Prophet which you conceal . Then Ali got a paper from his sword, then said : This is what I heard from the Prophet : Allaah curses the one who does not slay in the name of Allaah, the one who follows not his master but others, the curser of his parents, and the one who decreases the lighthouse of the earth. The Prophet also said : Allaah curses the one who slays not in the name of Allaah.

Fatal Sin No. 56: Changing the lighthouse of the earth

The Prophet said : Allaah curses the one who slays not in His name, the one who changes the boundaries of the earth, the one who misleads the blind, the one who curses his parents, and the one who does as what Lut's people has done. Another addition is .........and he one who falls on an animal.

Fatal sin No. 57: Insulting Great comrades of the Prophet

The Prophet said : Allaah says : He who attacks one of my friends, I will declare war on him. The Prophet also said: Don't insult my friends, by the One who has my soul, if one of you spends gold as much as 'Uhud, he would not reach a mudd nor half of their fortune. 'Aisha said : They were commanded to pray for the forgiveness for the companions of the Prophet, but in the contrary, they insulted them. The Prophet also said : He who insults my companions Allaah curses him. Ali by He who cleaved the seed, and created the breeze, the Prophet entrusted me that. No one loves me (Ali) but the believer, and no one hates me but a hypocrite. If this is what the Prophet said regarding Ali then Abu Bakr deserves it more, for he is the best after the Prophet. In 'Uthmaans and Alis view, he who prefers somebody else on the righteous Abu Bakr, he must be whipped as a slanderer. Al-Jarud Ibn al- Ma'ale said : Abu Bakr is better than 'Umar. Another said : 'Umar is better than Abu Bakr. When 'Umar heard this he hit the man with a ** until he lifted his legs of pain. Then 'Umar said : Abu Bakr is the closest of the companions to the Prophet, and he was the best for so and so, and who says other than that should be whipped as the slanderer.

Al-Kama said : I heard Ali saying : I heard that there are people who prefer me on Abu Bakr and 'Umar who says so and so is a slanderer, and should be punished as the slanderer. Abu 'Ubaida Ibn Hajl said : that Ali, said : No man came to me and I know that he prefered me on Abu Bakr and 'Umar, that I whip him as the slanderer.

The Prophet said : No Muslim says to his brother : O blasphemer! that one of them will take it. I [author] say : He who says that Abu Bakr and those after him : blasphemer ! The speaker here is the blasphemer no doubt, for Allaah is satisfied with them,

Allaah says :

  The vanguard of (Islaam). The first of those who forsook (their homes) and of those who gave them aid, and (also) those who follow them In (all) good deeds - well pleased is Allaah will them as are they with Him.  

And the one who insults them is competing Allaah in war, even the one who insults Muslims and hurts them or despies them is commiting a fatal sin. So what do you think of the one who insults the best on the world - the Prophet *** He who insults the Prophet and he is a Muslim is not blasphemer, but the cursed blasphemer is the one who thinks of the Prophethood of Ali, or that he is a God.

Fatal Sin No. 58: Insulting the Ansar

The Prophet said : The sign of belief is loving the Ansar, and hating them is a sign of hypocrasy. He said also : No one loves them but the Mumin, and one hates them but the hypocrite.

Fatal Sin No. 59: Preaching Error or Establishing Errors

The Prophet said : He who preaches for error will bear his sin and all of those who follow him, decreasing no their sins.The Prophet also said : He who preaches for error will bear his sin and of those who follow him, with no decreasing for their sins. The Prophet also said : every new established thing is an error. In religion.

Fatal Sin No. 60: Connection of the hair, seperating Teeth and tattoo Marking.

The Prophet also said : Allaah curses the connector of the hair and the one being connected to , and tattoo marker and the one marked to, the remover of the hair of others faces and the one whom the hair is removed for, and those who seperate between their teeth for beauty, and the changers of Allaah's creation. The Prophet also said : The price of a dog and the forbidden blood is forbidden, and the income of the unjust. The Prophet cursed the tattoo marker and the one marked to, the eater of usury and he one who gave it to others, and he also cursed immitators of Allaah's creation.
