Kingdom of Allah!

The Kingdom of Allah

Covers the whole Earth and Heavens, extending beyond imagination.

His People are all living things, seen and unseen, including Mankind, Jinn and Angels.

His constitution is Revelation.

His law and decrees are His messages brought through His Apostles.

His representatives in his kingdom are His Messengers.

His Entourage consists of closest chosen Angels : Archangel Gabriel, Michael and Israfel, . .

His Troops gather Angels, animals, insects, Winds, storms, Rain, Floods, Fire. . .

His decision occurs according to his will, through natural event or incident, like fire or crash or sinking, or even in normal death.

No one and nothing can reject His command.

Everything in this universe is under His Control.

Nothing can elude his authority.

But everything in His Kingdom is in perfect order.

Justice, Freedom and Equality are basic principles of Public order in Allah’s Kingdom.

Abderrahman Saidi

April 14, 2016