The Major Sins: 61 to 76


The Major Sins: 61 to 76

by al-Hâfidh Abî 'Abdullâh Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Uthmân bin Qayyim Dhahabî


Fatal Sin No. 61: Pointing a weapon at a Muslim Brother

The Prophet said : He who points weapon at a Muslim Brother will be cursed by the angels even if he was his brother in kinship.

Fatal sin No. 62: Not calling the self to One's father

The Prophet said: He who calls himself for someone who is not his father and he knows it, Paradise wil be forbidden for him. The Prophet also said : Do not loath your father for it is blasphmey. He said also : He who calls himself not to his father, let Allaah's curse be upon them. Yazid ibn Sharik said : I heard Ali delivering a speech on the platform saying : We have no book to read except the book of Allaah and what is in this paper. Then he opened the paper which was full of camels teeth, and some peices of beasts then he said : The Prophet said : al-Madeena is forbidden from a camel to the bull. He who establishes a new thing [in religion], or protected an establisher, let Allaah's and the angels and the people's curse be upon him. Allaah will not accept from him any good work nor justice at the day of judgement. All Muslims responsibility is one, even for the lowest of them. He who dispises a Muslim, let Allaahs' & the angels and the peoples curse be upon him. And he who calls not to his father or not followed his master. let Allaahs , the angels and the peoples curse be upon him. Allaah will not accept any good work nor justice at the day of judgement.

The Prophet also said : The man who calls for someone not his father and he knows it is not one of us and shall dwell his place in Hell. And he who calls a Muslim Blasphemer or enemy of Allaah and the latter is not so There will refer to the caller .

Fatal Sin No. 63: Portent

Maybe it is not a Fatal sin. The Prophet said : Portent is blasphemey and it is not in the doctrine, but Allaah forgives this sin in has trust in him. The Prophet also said : No hostile actions nor portent, I like optimism. They asked : O Prophet of Allaah ! What is optimism ? He answered : Good Omen.

Fatal Sin No. 64: Drinking or eating in Gold & Silver Containers

The Prophet said: Do not wear silk nor silk brocade, do not drink in gold nor in silver containers nor eat in dishes made of them for gold and silver are theirs on earth and yours in Paradise. The Prophet also said : He who eats in gold or silver made containers, Hellfire will gargle in his belly. The Prophet also said ; He who drinks from silver - made container will not drink from it at the Day of Judgement.

Fatal Sin No. 65: Arguing Hypocrasy & Violent Dispute (advocates of today)

Allaah says :

  There is the type of man whose speech about this world life may dazzle you and he calls Allaah to witness about what is in his heart, yet is he the most contentious of enemies. When he turns his back, his aim every where , is to spread mischief through the earth....  

Allaah says :

  .......This they set forth to you, only by way of distribution ; yea they are contentious people.  

Allaah says :

  Those who dispute about the signs of Allaah without any authority bestowed upon them, there is nothing in their hearts except greatness, which they shall never attain seek refuge, Then, in Allaah : it is He who hears and sees.  

A fourth verse is :

  And dispute you not witht he people of the book, except with better.  

The Prophet said : The most hated to Allaah are the voilent disputers. He said also : He who argues in a quarrel with knowledge is still under Allaah's anger till he ceases. A Third hadeeth is : No nation goes astray but for their violent disputes. when the Prophet recited : This they set forth to you, only by way of distribution : Yea they are a contentiouspeole .

The Prophet said : The very things I fear for my 'ummah from are : the error of a scholar, a false argument about something in the Qur'aan, and a word that cuts your necks. The Prophet said : False argument about the Qur'aan are blasphemey. The Prophet also said : He who disputes with others for a false thing and he is aware of it , is under Allaah's anger till he ceases. Another hadeeth is : The very thing I fear for my 'Ummah from is every fluent hypocrite. The Prophet says : Shyness and speechlessness ae out of faith, but obscenity and fluency is out of hypocrisy.

Fatal Sin No. 66: Emasculating slaves Cutting off any part of their bodies , torturing them undeservedly

Allaah says :

  That shaitaan says : I will mislead them and I will create in them false desires; I will order them to slit the ears of the cattle and to deface the nature created by Allaah. Whoever forsaking Allaah, takes Shaitan for a friend, has of security suffered a loss that is manifest.  

The Prophet also said : He who kills his slave shall be killed, and he who cuts off of his slave's boy the same part shall be cut from his body. The Prophet said : He who emasculates his slave shall be emasulated himself. The Prophet said : He who slanders his slave, shall receive his penalty on it at the day of Judgement. The Prophet also said : Prayer, prayer and whoever is under your command ! Fear Allaah what you have under your responsibility. Ibn Umar said that the Prophet prohibited emasculating horses and other animals.

Fatal sin No. 67: Dealing in Fraud

Allaah says :

  Woe to those who deal in fraud, those who, when they have to receive by measure from men, exacct full measure, but when they have to give by measure or weight to men, give less than due Do not they think that they will be called to saccount ? on a mighty day? This sin includes theft treachery an eating money unjustly.  

Fatal Sin No. 68: Not fearing Allaah's plan

Allaah says :

  Did they then feel secure against the plan of Allaah ? But no one can feel secure from the plan of Allaah, except those damned to ruin.  

He says also :

  until, in the midst of their enjoyment of our gifts, on asudden we called to account when lo ! They were plunged in despair !  

A third verse is :

  Those who rest not their hope in meeting with us, but are pleased and satisfied with the life of the present , and those who heed not our signs.  

Fatal Sin No. 69: Despairing from Allaah's Help or forgiveness

Allaah says :

  Truly no one despairs of Allaah's soothing Mercy, except those who have no faith.  

He also says :

  He is the one that sent down the rain after (men) have given up all hope.  

Another verse is :

  Say : O my servants who have transgressed against theri souls ! Despair not of the Mercy of Allaah: for Allaah forgives all sins : for He is oft _ forgiving, most merciful.  

The Prophet said : No one die but with a good belief in Allaah.

Fatal Sin No. 70: Ungratefulness

Allaah says :

  Show gratitude to Me and to thy parents....  

The Prophet said: He who does not thank people does not thank Allaah. Some of the slaves said : Ungratefulness is one of the fatal sins, and gratefulness is either by repaying the favour or praying for the the one who gave it.

Fatal Sin No. 71: Forbidding overflow of water

Allaah says :

  Say : See you ? if your stream be some morning lost ( in the underground earth), who then can supply you with clear - flowing water.  

The Prophet said : Do not forbid the overflow of water for you forbid grass. The Prophet also said : Do not sell the overflow of water. He also said : He who forbid his overflow of water or left over grass, Allaah will forbid His mercy at the Day of Judgement on him. A third hadeeth is: Three are those whom Allaah will not speak to nor look at nor praise at the Day of Judgement, and they will receive a painful punishment : a man controls an overflow of water and forbids it on the passers by, a man who bargains his king for wordly purposes. If he receives them, he fulfill the bargain. If he receives not what he wishes he does not fufill it, and another man sells another good in the evening by that he bought with so and so and the latter believes the former is a liar. Another narration is : And a man forbids the overflow of water. Allaah shall say to him : Today I will forbid you My Mercy as you did forbid the overflow of water which is not yours.

Fatal Sin No. 72: Branding animals on their faces

Jabir said that the Prophet once passed by a donkey which was branded on his face then he said : Allaah curse the one who branded it. In another narration the Prophet said : havem't you heard that cursed the one who brands the animal on its face or hit it on its face. And from the Prophet s words. Haven't you heard, we can know that the one who does this ignorantly is no t a sinner, but whoever heard it is a sinner if he does commit it. This base is applied on other fatal sins, but not what comes out of nesscity.

Fatal Sin No. 73: Gambling

Allaah says :

  O you who believe ! Intoxicants andgambling stones andarrows are an abomination of satan handiwork, eschew such that you may prosper. Satan plan is to excite enmity and hatred between you, with intoxicants and gambling , and hinder you from the remembrance of Allaah , and from prayer ; will you not then abstain.  

There are also a lot of verses which forbid gambling and eating peoples money unjustly. The Prophet also said : He who says to his friend : come ! Let us gamble should give charity. Cahrity as an atonement. the Hadeeth indicates that even words requir atonement, how about doing the sin itself ?!!! Gambling goes under eating others money unjustly.

Fatal Sin No. 74: Being a Mushrik at the Sacred Place Masjid a-Haram in Makkah

Allaah says :

  ...and from the sacred masjid, which we havce made open to all men.......  

The Propeht said in his last Hajj, The friends of Allaah are the prayers. They who pray their five prayers , fast Ramadan, give Zakat, and avoid fatal sins that are forbidden. Then a man asked the Prophet answered : Shirk, Killing a Muslim undeservedly, msgic, running away at times of war, eating a orphans money unjustly, eating usury , slandering a virtuous woman, disobeying Muslim Parents, and commiting forbidden things at the masjid al-Haram in Makkah. No man dies doing nothing of those fatal sins, doing his prayers and paying his Zakat but enter with the Prophet a place which its doors are made of gold. The Propeht said also : The worst enemies of Allaah are those who kill in the Masjid al-Haram in Makkah, or who kill not the killer, or kill out of ignorant revengefulness.

Fatal Sin No. 75: Leaving the Prayer of Friday to Pray alone

The Prophet said about people who leave the prayer on friday : I was beginning to command a man to lead people at the prayer and I go and burn the houses of those who did not come for the prayer. He said also : Let some people cease their leaving of friday prayers or Allaah shall make their hearts inaccessible, they shall be neglectful. A third hadeeth is: He who leaves three friday prayers out of carelessness, Allaah shall make his heart inaccessible. The Prophet also said : friday Prayer is obligatory on every mature Muslim.

Fatal sin No. 76: Spying on muslims and revealing their imperfections

In this matter there is the occassion when 'Umar wanted to kill Hatib Ibn Abi Balla'a but the Prophet forbade him for the former was one of those who witnessed Badr. If spying on Muslims resulted in weaking Islam and the Muslims, killing them, or taking them in to captivity or the like , the spy is one of those who cause disorder in the land, and killing people he must be killed and he shall recieve punishment We pray to Allaah for safety.

If the spy knows that culmuny is a fatal sin he should know that culmuny of a spy is much bigger and greater.

Special: The Fatal Sins...

by al-Hâfidh Abî 'Abdullâh Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Uthmân bin Qayyim Dhahabî

The Prophet said : None of you is a believer until he likes for his brother what he likes for himself.


The Prophet said : None of you is a believer if I was not more liked than ones family children, the self , and the whole world.

The Prophet said : None of you is a believer till his passions are in accordance with what was revealed to me.

The Prophet said : A Muslim is not a true believer if his neighbour does not trust his evilness.

The Prophet said : He who sees an evil should change it with his hand, if not then with his tongue, if not then with his heart, and it is he weakest way.

The Prophet said about tyrants : He who fights them [Mushrikeen] with his hand is a believer, and he who fights them with his tongue is a believer, and he who fights them with is heart is a believer and beyond that there is no faith. fighting by the heart includes turning to Allaah and praying for safety for hiself and family, and praying for the destruction of evil.

The Prophet said : There will be princes appointed on you, and you will know things you like and things you hate. He who hates the evils of the prince he cleared and freed his conscious, and he who rejects them is in safety but he who is satisfied with them is like them. It is said : can we fight them ? The Prophet answered : No as long as they do their prayers.

The Prophet passed by two graves and said : They are being under torture for fatal sins. One of them never cleared himself from stain (or urine) , the other was walking around with defamation.

The Prophet also said : He who helps elevating disputes is under Allaah's anger till he ceases.

He also said : Cunning and wickedness are in hell.

He said : Allaah curses the permitter for the forbiden thing and the one permitted to.

The Prophet said : He who astrays (by tricks) somebody's wife or slave is not one of us.

The Prophet said : Shyness and speechlessness are from faith, obscenity and harshness are from hypocrisy.

Another hadeeth is : Shyness is from faith, and faith is in Paradise, an obscenity is from harshness and harshness is in hell.

The Prophet said : He who dies without a bargain to a king or commander has died on ignorance.

The Prophet said He who eats from a Muslim, Allaah will feed him from hell at the Day of Judgment. And he who slanders a Muslim with false things , Allaah will show people on him. And he who put on a Muslim false things, Allaah will put on him cloth of Hell at the Day of Judgment

. The Prophet said : He who abandons his brother for one year is like killing him.

The Prophet said : The one whose intercession stopped Allaah's penalty is against Allaah's commands.

The Prophet also said : A man speaks words carelessly that cause Allaah's anger that they lead him to Hell-Fire.

The Prophet said : A man speaks words that cause Allaah to be pleased, while he does not think it is so good. Allaah shall be pleased with him until the Day of Judgement. And a man speaks evil words which cause Allaah's anger, when he does not know that it caused Allaah's anger, Allaah shall be angry with until the Day of Judgement.

The Prophet said : Don't call the hypocrite a master, for if he was a master you shall anger your Lord.

The Prophet said : The signs of a hypocrite are three : If he talks , he lies. If he promises, he breaks his promises, and if he is trusted with something then he betrays it.

Allaah says :

  Amongst them are men who made a covenant with Allaah that if he bestowed on them His bounty they would give charity and be truly amongst those who are righteous. But when He did bestow of His bounty, they become covetous and turned back from their covenant) a verse So He has put as a consequence hypocrisy into their hearts.  

The Prophet said : He who does not take a little pit from his moustache is not one of us.

The Prophet said : Don't follow the magians ; let the beards grow and cut a bit of your mustache. Hasan al-Basri said that 'Umar said: I was going to send men to different countries and see who is obliged to go to Hajj and did not do it, he must pay tribute.

The Prophet said : He who seperates between a mother and her son; Allaah will separate him from his beloved ones at the Day of Judgment.

The Prophet said : He who escapes the inheritance of his heirs, Allaah will cut off his inheritance in Paradise.

The Prophet said : A man may worship Allaah for sixty years, and when death comes to him and commits evil in his will, shall be in hell. Abu Huraira recited : ........No less is caused, thus is it ordained by Allaah and Allaah is all-knowing and all-forbearing.

The Prophet once delivered a speech when he was on his camel ; he said : Allaah gave every man his rights, so so will for heir. [ That is the heir shall receive his inheritance in accordance with the Islamic Law automatically and no will is indeed to be written for such a matter].

The Prophet said: People who gain the worst rank at the Day of Judgment are husbands who tell their wives their secrets, and hear their wives secrets then reveal their secrets to the public.

The Prophet said : A man who falls on a woman from her back is accursed one. And in another narration : ...Allaah will never look at him.

The Prophet said : He who falls on a menstruating , or a woman from her back, or believed a fortune teller is a blasphemer. In another narration ... Is cleared from what is revealed on Muhammad.

The Prophet said : If you saw a man looking at you [spying] without your permission and you threw on him a little stone and it knocked out his eye, you would bear no responsibility.

The Prophet said : He who looked in a house without the owners permission, they have the right to knockout his eye.

The Prophet said: Avoid excess for it caused destruction for those before you.

Allaah says :

  Say : O People of the Book ! exceed not in your religion the bounds (ofwhat is proper) , trespassing beyond the truth nor follow the vain desires of people who went wrong in times gone by, - who misled many and strayed (themselves) from the even way.  

Ibn Hazm considered excess in religion has one of the fatal sins.

The Prophet said : He who is sweared to by Allaah must be satisfied, and who does not, is nothing to Allaah.

The Prophet said: The astrayer of others wives nor the reminder of charities nor the mean enter Paradise. The Prophet also said : It is enough to commit a sin to loose whom he feeds. [that is those who are under his responsibility ]. The Prophet also said : It is enough to commit a sin is to reveal everything that is heard.

Allaah says :

  Such men as are covetous and commend covetousness to men, and if any turn back, verily Allaah is free of all needs, worthy of all praise.  

Allaah says :

  Soon shall the things which they covetously with hold to their necks.  

Allaah says :

  Behold , you are those invited to spend in the way of Allaah, but among you are some that are niggardly, but many who are niggardly are so at the expense of their own souls . But Allaah is free of all wants.  

He says also :

  But he who is a greedy miser and thinks himself self-sufficient and gives the lie the to the best - we will indeed make smooth for him the path to misery. Nor will his wealth profit him.  

Another verse is :

  Of no profit to me has been my wealth.  

Allaah says :

  Saying : of what profit to you were your hoards and your arrogant ways.  

He also says :

  And those saved from the covetousness of their own souls, they are the ones that achieve prosperity.  

The Prophet also said : Avoid injustice for it is darkness at the Day of Judgement. and avoid meanness for it destroyed the nations before you, it led them to kill each other and to permit forbidden kins.

The Prophet said: What is worse than meanness.

The Prophet said : Three are destructives : followed meanness, followed caprices, and favouring one's view.

It is true that the Prophet cursed the one who sits in the middle of a gathering .

The Prophet said : Avoid envy for it eats merits as fire eats the wood.

The Prophet said: If the passer in front of the prayer what he has committed? He would prefer to stand to stand for forty years.

The Prophet said: If one prays to a sutrah one tries to walk in front of him, the one who prays must push him away his breast if the latter refuses the former must fight him for he (the passer) is a devil. In another narration :......if he refuses, the prayer must fight him, for the passer accompanies the devil. The Prophet said : By the One who has my soul you would not enter Paradise unless you liked each other. Shall I tell you about a thing if you do you would like each other ? Spread about the greetings of Islam between your selves.

Translation Ended by the Merit of Allaah

Thank be to Allaah and His Blessings be upon Muhammad His Prophet.

The typing was completed due to the grace of Allaah on the 16/7/93 at 12:36am
