The Major Sins: 1 to 10
by al-Hâfidh Abî 'Abdullâh Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Uthmân bin Qayyim Dhahabî
Fatal Sin One: Shirk with Allaah the Exalted
Which is to equalize other things with Allaah [the One that created you], and worship other things besides him such as stones, human beings, the sun, the moon, a prophet, a shaikh, a friend, a star, a king, or other things or human beings.
Allaah the exalted says :
Verily Allaah forgives not, that rivals should be set up with Him in worship but He forgives save that (anything else) to whom He pleases. |
And Allaah the Exalted says :
Verily who-so-ever sets up rivals in worship with Allaah, then Allaah has forbidden Paradise for him, and the fire will be his abode. |
And Allaah the Exalted says :
Verily! joining others in worship with Allaah is a great wrong indeed. |
So, whoever associates anything with the Exalted and dies as a mushrik, he is a permanent adherent of Hell, and he who worships Allaah alone he is a permanent adherent of Paradise even if he is tortured.
The Prophet said : Shall I tell you the fatal sins? Shirk with Allaah......... the hadeeth.
He also said : Avoid the seven fatal sins........ he mentioned shirk as one of them.
He said in another hadeeth : Whoever leaves his Deen kill him. This is authentic hadeeth.
Fatal Sin Two : Murder
Allaah the Exalted says :
And whoever kills a believer intentionally, his recompense is Hell, to abide therein, and the wrath and the curse of Allaah are upon him and a great punishment is prepared for him. |
And the Exalted says :
And those who invoke not with Allaah any other god nor kill such life as Allaah has forbiden, except for just cause, nor commit illegal sexual intercourse - and whoever does this shall receive the punishment. The torment will be doubled to him on the Day of Resurrection and he will abide therein in disgrace; Except those who repent, believe. |
And the Exalted says :
If any one killed a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land, it would be as if he killed all mankind. |
And the Exalted says :
And when the female (infant) buried alive, is questioned - (as the pagan Arabs used to do), for what sin she was killed. |
And the Prophet said : Avoid the seven fatal sins............ Murder is mentioned as one of them. The Prophet also said, when he was asked : What is the most fatal sin of all? he said : To equalize others with Allaah the One who created you. The man asked again : Then what? The Prophet answered : To kill your son for the fear of feeding him. The man said again : Then what? The Prophet answered : To commit adultry with your neighbours wife.
The Prophet also said : If Muslims fight each other with swords, the killer and the one killed are both in Hell. It is, then said : O Prophet of Allaah! It is understood why the killer is in hell, but what about the one killed? The Prophet said : He was covet to kill his Muslim brother. Also the Prophet said : A man is still in a wide scope of religious actions unless he murders. he also said : Don’t return Blasphemer after me, killing one another. Bashir Ibn Muhjar said that Ibn Buraidah said : the Prophet said : Killing a believer is greater to Allaah than the vanishing of the earth. Wording of al-Bukhaari He also said : The first thing that is judged between people is blood. Firas said : al-Shu’abi said : Abdullah bin Amroo said that the messenger of Allaah said : The most fatal sins are : Shirk with Allaah, murder, disobeying parents,........ Humaid ibn Hilal said : Nasr ibn Asim told us that ‘Ukba ibn Maalik informed us that the Prophet said : Allaah forbade on me the one who kills a believer. He said this three times, and this is on the conditions of Muslim.
The Prophet also said : Every soul that is killed unjustly, part of its blood is on Adams first son since he was thefirst to commit murder. The Prophet also said : He who kills a warrior, will not smell the fragrance of Paradise, which is smelt with in a walk of forty years. Taken from al-Bukhaaree and an-Nisaaee. and on the authority of Abee Huraira may Allaah be pleased with him that the Prophet said : He who kills a soul, that has Allaahs and the Prophets protection commitment - breaks Allaahs and His Prophets commitment, and will never smell the fragrance of Paradise which is smelled from a walk of forty years. at-Tirmidhee authenticated it. On the authority of Abee Huraira may Allaah be pleased with him that the Prophet said : He who backs on murdering a believer with even a word, meets Allaah, with a despairer of Allaahs Mercy written between his eyes. narrated by Imaam Ahmad and Ibn Majah and in the Isnad Maqil. Mu’wayweeyah said he heard the Messenger of Allaah say : Allaah forgives every sin, but a man dies a blasphemer, or a man kills a believer intentionally.
Fatal Sin Three : Magic
It is a fatal sin because the magician is a blasphemer always.
Allah says :
But the devils disbelieved, teaching men magic. |
And satan teaches man magic only to make him disbelieve in Allah.
Allah says about Harut and Marut :
But neither of those [Harut and Marut] taught any one (such things) without saying: we are only for trial, so disbelieve (by learning this magic from us). And from these (angels) people learn that by which they cause seperation between man and wife.......
But they could not thus harm any one except by Allah’s permission. And they learned what harmed them..... |
So you see a great number of unguided people go into magic thinking it is only forbiden not plasphemy in itself, so they hearm magic and ways of acheiving it are pure magic Magicians insert strange and obscure words, in a man’s marriage contract, dedicated either to their (the wife & husband) mutual love or mutual hatred, most of these words are blasphemy.
The penalty specified for the magician is execution because he has disbelieved, or nearly so, in Allaah. The Prophet said : Avoid the seven sins.......... He mentioned magic as being one of them. So, man should be prudent that he does not let himself get into such things that make him loose his life on earth and his life in the hereafter. It is transmitted that the Prophet said : The penalty specified for the magician is a strike with the sword. The authentication is from the saying of Jundaab. Bajalah Ibn ‘Abdah said : A letter came to me from ‘Umar may Allaah be pleased with him, a year before his death to kill every magician, whether man or woman.
On the authority of Abee Musaa may Allaah be pleased with him that the Prophet said : Three do not enter heaven : the alcoholic, the severer of the bonds of kinship, and the one who believes in magic. narrated by Ahmad in Musnad.
Narrated by Ibn Mas’ood may Allaah be pleased with him Marfooan : Claiming to know the unkown, amulets, and Tiwalahs are Shirk. Narrated by Ahmad and Abu Daawood. ********
Learn that many of these fatal sins, actually most of them, most people do not know their forbidness and what came about them of restraint and threats, thus the learned should be lenient on the unlearned when teaching him what Allaah helped him (the former) to know especially when the learned is well aware of the unlearned’s ignorance whether he is born in a far blasphemous country and captived and brought to a Muslim country or a blasphemous Turk or a blasphemous Georgian who does not know arabic and who is bought by a Turkish prince who is unlearned. This Georgian, with difficulty, pronounce the statements of faith which he may learn their meanings two days later or more, or more, and he may pray or may not, and he may be instructed the Fatiha [if his instructor has some sense of religion], but if his instructor is like this Georgian, how this poor Georgian is supposed to know the legislations and prohibitions of Islaam. And how will he know the duties of Islaam to do and fulfill them? If he is instructed these fatal sins and is warned against them, and he is instructed the obligations and believe in them, in that case he is happy and this case happens rarely. That is why man should thank Allaah on his well being. If it is said : If one neglected thses obligations and did not ask them, what becomes of him? I say : that this what he thinks about, and I don’t think that asking the teacher is not obligatory on the learner, and he whom Allaah does not give light he will not have it, so nobody will be damned, but the one who knows, and after a pretext is bound on him. Allaah is the most merciful. He says : Nor would we visit with Our wrath till we had sent a Messenger. Masters of Sahaba in Habasha could not have recieved the obligations but after months of revelation to the Prophet, so during these months they are forgiven till the moment they recieve the text, so anyone who does not know the text of forbidness is forgiven till he knows it. And Allaah knows well.
Fatal Sin Four: Leaving the Prayer
Allaah the Exalted says :
Then, there has succeeded them a posterity who have given up prayers and followed lusts. So they will be thrown in hell, except those who repent. the Ayaah. |
And the Exalted says :
So, woe to the worshippers who delay their prayers from its stated fixed time, those who do good deeds only to be seen (of men), and refuse (to supply) even neighbourly needs. |
Another verse is :
What has caused you to enter Hell? They will say : we were not of those who prayed. |
The Prophet said : The commitment between us [the Prophet and the disbelievers] is prayer, he who leaves it is a blasphemer. He said also : He who misses the prayer of the afternoon looses all his work. And : Between Blasphemy and man is the prayer. He said : He who leaves prayers intentionally is fre of Allaah’s covenant of protection. ‘Umar may Allaah have mercy on him, said : He who misses prayers has no luck in Islaam. Ibraheem al-Nakhi said : He who leaves prayers is a blasphemeist. al-Jareer said : that Abdullaah ibn Shakeek said that Abu Huraira said : The Prophets comrades did not consider any thing that is left as blasphemey but the prayers. Ibn Hazm said : No guilt, after blasphemy, greater than delaying prayers till its time passes, and murdering a mumin unjustly. Abu Huraira said :
The Prophet said : The first thing man is asked for at the Day of Judgement is prayers. If it is done properly, the man passes. And if it is not done well, he looses. |
The Prophet said :
I was commanded to fight people till they cite that there is no god but Allaah, and Muhammad is His Messenger, and fulfill prayers, and pay Zakat, if they fufill these things, they will prevent their blood and money within the rights of Islaam, and Allaah will reckon them. Abu Sa’id said that a man said to the Prophet, O Prophet of Allaah! Fear Allaah, The Prophet said : Woe unto you! Am I not the only one on earth who fears Allaah most? Khalid Ibn al-Waalid said : Shall I cut his neck with this sword? The Prophet answered : No, He may be one of those who pray for Allaah. |
‘Umar said : The Prophet said : He who keeps not his fulfilling of prayers will have no light, nor salvation, nor proof. and at the Day of Judgement he will be placed with Karun, Fir’awn, Haman and with ‘Ubai Ibn Khalaf.
All these verses and texts from the Noble Qur’aan and the hadeeth prove the blaspheme of those who leave prayers. The Prophet said to Mu’ad : No man cites that the there is no God but Allaah, that Allaah forbids his body on hell.
He who delays prayers till its time passes commits a great fatal sin, and he who leaves it totally is as the one who commits adultery or the one who steals because leaving or delaying prayers is a fatal sin. If one does so, he is one of those who commit fatal sins till he repents, if he does not repent, the he is damned to hell
Fatal Sin Five: Not Paying Zakat
Allaah says :
And woe to those who join gods with Allaah, those who practise not regular charity and who even deny the Hereafter.* |
Allaah says also :
They who hoard up gold and silver and spend them not in the Way of Allaah, announce unto them a painful torment On the Day of Judgement when that (hoarded up gold and silver) will be heated in the fire of hell, and with it will be branded their foreheads, their flanks, and their backs - This is the treasure which you hoarded for yourselves : Now taste of what you used to hoard. |
The Prophet said : Any camel, or cow, or goat owner who does not pay zakat will be thrown down on his face on a hard land and for these [animals] to thrust him with its horns and step on him with its limbs, no sooner the last one steps and thrusts but the first one comes and repeats the action once again. This process will continue functioning till the Day of Judgement and until the Judgement is finished between people within a day that lasts fifty thousand years. Then he is decided where to go : Heaven or hell. And he who does not pay Zakaat for his wealth, his wealth will come to him at the Day of Judgement in the shape of a fearful bold snake.
Abu Bakr, may Allaah have mercy on him, fought those who did not pay zakaat and he said : I swear with Allaah, I will fight them for even a node they used to pay for the Prophet of Allaah and refuse to pay it now.
Allaah says :
And let not those who covetously with hold of that which Allaah has bestowed on them of His bounty (wealth) think that it is good for them [and do not pay the Zakat]. Nay, it will be worse for them ; the things which they covetously withheld shall be tied to their necks like a collar, on the Day of Resurrection. |
The Prophet said : He who refuses to pay Zakaat, we will take it from him and part of his camels (wealth) as a strict order from Allaah. Abu Huraira said : The Prophet said : The first three people who go to Hell are : a prince who deals high - handedly with his subjects, a wealth owner who does not pay Zakaat, and a proud poor man. Abdullaah says : You were commanded to pay Zakaat and pray. He who does not pay Zakaat his prayers will not be accepted.
Fatal Sin Six: Disobeying Parents
Allaah says :
Thy Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him, and that you be kind to parents. Whether one or both of them attain oldage in your life, say not to them a word of contempt, nor repel them, but address them, in terms of honour. And out of kindness, lower the wing of humility to them and say : My Lord! bestow on them they mercy even as they cherished me in childhood. * |
And He also says :
We have enjoined on man to be good and dutiful to his parents... |
The Prophet said : Shall I inform you with the most fatal sins of all?...... he mentioned disobeying parents as one of them. He also said : Allaahs satisfaction is out of parents satisaction, and His anger is out of theirs. The Prophet said : the parent is the middle door of the doors of paradise, if you want it to preserve your parents, and if you want to loose him, loose your parent. A man came once to the Prophet of Allaah asking his permission to let him go on fighting with the Mujahiden. The Prophet asked him : Are your parents alive? the man answered : Yes. Then the Prophet said to him : So fight in them [by serving them]. and the Prophet also said : Your mother, father, sister, brother and the descedants.
The Prophet also said : People who do not enter Paradise are : The disobeyer of parents, the reminder of charities, a drunkard, and the one who believes in magic Abdullaah Ibn ‘Umar said that a bedouin came to the Prophet saying : O Prophet of Allaah! What are the fatal sins? The Prophet answered him : Shirk, the bedouin said : then what? The Prophet said : Disobeying parents. Then what? The bedouin asked. The Prophet said : The ominous oath. The Prophet said also : the one who disobeys paretns and the disbeliever of fate do not enter paradise... A man came tothe Prophet asking him : Prophet Muhammad! What do you say I prayed the five times, and fasted Rammadhan [month of fasting], and payed the Zakaat, and do the Hajj what do I get? the Prophet answers : he wh does these will be with Prophets, believers, and martyrs unless he disobeys his parents. Bakkar Ibn Abd al-Azeez said : My father told me that the Prophet said : Allaah delays whatever sins He wishes to the Day of Judgement, but disobeying parents, the person is asked about immediately. The Prophet said : A son will never repay his father, but when he buys a slave then releases him. The Prophet said : Allaah damns the one who disobeys his parents. The Prophet said : The aunt is as the mother. Wahb Ibn Manbah said : Allaah said to Moses : Moses! Honour your parents. He who honours him. and he who disobeys his parents, shorten his life and give him a son who disobeys him. Ka’ab said : By Him who has my soul, Allaah hurries the death of a man if he is a disobeyer of his parents to remain so. Abu Bakr Ibn Abi Maryam said : I read in the Tawrah : he who hits his father must be slayed. Wahb said : In the Taurah : he who hits his father must be stoned.
Fatal Sin Seven: Eating of Interest
Allaah says
O who you believe : Fear Allaah, and give up what remains of your damned for usury, if you are indeed believers. If you do it not, take notice of war from Allaah and his messenger. |
He also says :
Those who devour usury will not stand except as stands one whom the Evil One by his touch has driven him to madness...Those who repeat are the companions of the fire, they will abide therein for ever. |
This is a tremendous and a great warning, warning of the Hell fire eternally for who eats interest after knowing its forbiddeness. The Prophet says : avoid the seven fatal sins. His companions said : What are they, Prophet of Allaah? He said : Shirk, Magic, Murdering a sacred soul unjustly, eating interest, taking the orphan’s money, escaping at times of war, and hurting innocent believing women. The Prophet also said : Allaah the eater of Interest, the on ewho allows eating it, its witnesses and its writer. The Prophet also said : Interest eater, the one who authorizes it, and its writer if they know are damned, as Muhammad says, at the day of Judgement.
Fatal Sin Eight: Eating an Orphan’s Money Unjustly
Allaah says :
Those who unjustly eat up the property of orphans, eat up a fire into their own bodies. |
He also says :
And come not nigh to the orphans property. |
The Prophet said : Avoid the seven fatal sins...... and he mentions eating orphans money unjustly as one of them. When the legal guardian of an orphan is poor, then he is permitted at that time to use the orphans money provided not to spend more than what he needs. Whatever he uses more is considered to be forbidden. This permitted amount, that the legal guardian of an orphan may use, is determined by what is known between people who are bare enough to decide how much is it without personal benefits they may have.
Fatal Sin Nine: Lying on Muhammad sallAllaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam
Lying on the Prophet is blasphemey, and there is no doubt that not only lying on Allaah or Muhammad by permitting what is forbidden and forbiding what is permited - is pure blasphemy, but also lying at him [the Prophet] in any thing else whatever it is. The Prophet also said : To lie on me is not like lying on any body else, he who lies on me intentionally will be placed in Hell. in another hadeeth he said : He who lies on me, will have a house built for him in Hell. In another hadeeth, the Prophet said : He who says things I did not say will be placed in Hell-Fire eternally. He also said : He who tells on my behalf a false hadeeth and he knows it is false, he is one of the liars.
Fatal Sin Ten: Eating at Ramadan with no Excuse nor Permission
The Prophet said : He who eats at Rammadhan with no excuse nor permission will never be able to exchange it even by fasting a life time. In another hadeeth, the Prophet said : The five [times] prayers, friday to friday, and Rammadhan to Ramadan are penance for what is between them of sins provided not to commit the fatal sins. The Prophet also said : Islaam is built upon five bases : the statements of faith : There is no god but Allaah and Muhammad is His Messenger, Salaah, paying Zakaat, fasting Ramadan, and doing Hajj. Ibn Abbas said : The bonds and bases of Islaam are three : there is no god but Allaah, Salaah, and fasting Ramadan. He who leaves one of them is a blasphemist. And you find him wealthy, but niether performed Hajj nor paid Zakaat. The Prophet also said : He who does not avoid citing false testimonies and working in it, and who does not avoid illeteracy, there is no need for leaving food and water. In another hadeeth the Prophet said : He who reaches Ramadan and he is not forgiven is a man with his face full of mud. As for the believers, he who comits the sin of not fasting Ramadan with nor permission or excuse is more evil than he who commits adultery or drinking liquor or a tax collector. Further more, other believers doubt his faith and think of him as a blasphemist.
The Major Sins: 11 to 17
by al-Hâfidh Abî 'Abdullâh Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Uthmân bin Qayyim Dhahabî
Fatal Sin Eleven: Running away at times of war
Allaah says :
If any do turn his back to them on such a day unless it be in a strategem of war, or to retreat to a troop (of his own) - He draws on himself the wrath of Allaah and his abode in Hell an evil refugee (indeed) |
The Prophet said : Avoid the seven fatal sins......running away at times of war is one of them.
Fatal Sin Twelve: Adultery : Some of its kinds are worse than others
Allaah says :
Nor come close to Adultery : for it is a shameful (deed) and an evil, opening the road for other evils. |
He also says :
Those who invoke not with Allaah any other god, nor slay such life as Allaah has made sacred, except for just cause, nor commit fornication, and any that does this meets punishment. |
In another verse, Allaah says :
The woman and the man guilty of adultery or fornication, flog each of them with stripes, let not compassion move you in neither case, in a matter prescribed by Allaah, if you believe in Allaah and the Last Day : and let a party of the believers witness their punishment. |
Allaah also says :
Let no man guilty of adultery or fornication marry any but a woman similarly guilty, or a unbeliever : nor let any but such a man or an unbeliever mary such a woman : To the Believers such a thing is forbidden. |
The Prophet was asked : What is the most fatal of all sins? The Prophet answered : To worship others with Allaah and He created you. Then what? the man asked. he said : To kill your children for the fear of feeding them, The Prophet responded. The man asked again : Then what? The Prophet said : To commit adultery with your neighbours wife. The Prophet said : The adulterer does not commit his sin when he is a pure Believer, the thief does not commit his sin when he is a pure Believer, and the drunkard does not comit his sin when he is a pure Believer. THe Prophet also said : When a man commits adultery, faith comes out of his heart and hovers above him until he leaves the sin, then faith comes back to him again. In another hadeeth, the Prophet said : He who commits adultery and drinks alcohol will be deprived of faith just as a man takes off his shirt. Another hadeeth is : Three of whom Allaah does not speak with at the Day of Judgement, nor praise them, and they will have a painful torture, an adultrous old man, a lying king, and a proud sustainer. the Prophet said : Wives of Mujahideen are forbidden on those who do not fight as if they were their mothers, any man who takes care of a Mujahids wife and children and then commits sins with her, he will stand in front of Allaah at the Day of Judgement and this Mujahid takes whatever he wants from the the other mans good deeds, what do you think? The Prophet said : Four people Allaah hates most, a Liar swearing false man, proud poor man, adulterous old man, and an unjust king.
The worst kind of adultery is the one commited with (ones) mother, sister, or stepmother or the like. the Prophet said : He who falls on a forbidden woman on him is to be killed. and ‘al-Bara’a said that the Prophet sent his uncle once to man who fell on his step mother - to kill him [the latter] and seperate his money.
Fatal Sin Thirteen: The King who is a cheater, Unjust, and a Tyrant.
Allaah says :
The blame is only against those who oppress men with wrong doing and insolently transgress beyond bounds through the land defying right and justice : for such there will be a penalty grevious. |
Also He says :
Nor did they (usually) forbid one another the iniquites which they commit : evil indeed were the deeds which they did. |
The Prophet said : You are all guardians and each is responsible of his subjects.....The Prophet also said : He who cheats us is not one of us. He said also : Unjustice is darkness at the Day of Judgement. Another hadeeth : He whom Allah gives him subjects to guardian, then care not to advice them well, Allaah will forbid Paradise on him. In another narration ...........he will never smell Paradise. The Prophet said also : He who cheats his subjects is in the Hell-Fire. The Prophet also said : No prince of ten men at the day of Judgement, but comes to Allaah with his hands tied to his neck, either they are set free by his justice, or remain as they are if he was unjust.
The Prophet prayed to Allaah saying : O Allaah! If any one of this nation is held the responsibilty of kingship, and he gave it its rights, give him his rights. And if he was unjust to it, make it hard on him at the Day of Judgement. The Prophet said : There will be tyrant kings, he who believes their lies, and helps them in their tyranny is not one of my nation, and I am not from his nation, and he will not meet me at the al-Hawd at the Day of Judgement. The Prophet said also : There is no nation in which the majority is under the pressure of minoritys evil sins and the former does not change the latter, but Allaah surrounds them with torture. Abu ‘Ubaidah Ibn Mas’ood said that the Prophet said : I swear with He who has my soul : advice what is best. Prohibit what is evil, stand against the sinner, and force him to do the right, or Allaah shall seperate your hearts then damns you as he damns them Bani Israel as Prophet Daawood and Isaa son of Maryam said. The Prophet also said : there are two kinds of people that will never receive my intercession : the first is the unfair, tyrannical king, and an excessor in religion. they will be witnessed and damned.
Abu Said al-Khudree said that the Prophet said : The tyrannical king recieves the greatest amount of torture at the Day of Judgement. The Prophet also said : O people : advice what is good, and forbid what is evil and bad before you pray to Allah and receives no answer, and before you beg for forgiveness and recieve it not. Rabbis of the jews and priests of the chrisitans were damned and tortured when they left advising what is best and forbiding evil. He said too : He who brings about something new in religion which I didn’t say or do is not accepted and rejected. In another narration the Prophet said : He who brings about something new in religion or protects who does so is damned by Allaah, the angels and by all people , Allaah, the angels, and by all people, Allaah will accept no excuse from him. He said : Allaah will not show mercy to the one who does not show mercy towards others. The Prophet said : He who holds the responsibilty of a Muslim nation, then does not advice them, will never enter paradise with them. The Prophet also said : He whom Allaah bestows on him kingship and was not found to the needs and poverty at the day of Judgement. Another hadeeth is : Fair king is in Allaah’s shadow. The Prophet said : Fair people are on a platform of light, those who judge fairly with their subjects, families and whoever is under their protection. and about those who judge unfairly the Prophet, said : The worst kings are those whom you hate and be hated by, and whom you damn and be damned by. They his comrades said : Shall we outcast them? The Prophet said : No, as long as they pray. The Prophet said : Allaah delays the death of the tyrant till he takes him of a sudden, and when He does so, He will never let him go away. Then the Prophet recited : Such is the chastisment of thy Lord when He chastises communities in the midst of their wrong , grievous, indeed, and severe is His chastisement.
When Mu’adh was sent to Yemen, the Prophet said, to him : Avoid their pure money, avoid the prayer of the ill treated one because there is no barrier between it and Allaah. He also said : The worst subjects are the demolished. In an earlier hadeeth the Prophet said : These of which Allaah will never speak to on the Day of Judgement...... He mentioned the King as one of them.
Allaah said in the Noble Qur’aan :
That home of the Hereafter we shall give those who intend not high handedness or mischief on earth and the end is best for the righteous. |
The Prophet addressed his comrades : You are working very hard to get kingship, but later on it but later on it will be regret for you at the Day of Judgement. Then he said : By Allaah, we don’t give kingship for he who was very careful to get it or asked for it. In another incident the Prophet said to one of his comrades names Ka’b Ibn Ajarah : O Ka’b Ibn Ajrah! Allaah perfect you from incompetent (unjust) kings, kings who come after me, and do not follow my guidance, and do not follow my traditions [Sunnah]. The Prophet also said : Three prayers are surely answered : The prayer of the ill treated, the traveller, and the prayer of the parent against his child.
Fatal Sin Fourteen: Drinking Wine even if it does not ferment
Allaah says :
They ask you concerning wine and gambling. Say : In them is a great sin, and some profit, for men ; but the sin is greater then the profit. |
Allaah says :
O you who Believe! Intoxicants and gambling stones and a arrow save an abomination of satan’s handiwork eschew such abomination that you may prosper. |
Ibn Abbaas said : When the verse of forbidding wine was revealed to Muhammad,his comrades walked aroundsaying : wine was forbidden and has been equated with Shirk. Abdullaah Ibn Umar said : Drinking wine is the greatest of sins. And it is the mother of evil deeds, and its drinker was damned in more than one tradition. The Prophet said : He who drinks wine whip him, if he does it once again whip him, the fourth kill him.
The Prophet said: He who leaves his prayers once out of drinking wine : as the one who has all the world then suddenly snaped from him, and he who leaves the prayers four times out of drinking, Allaah will irrigate him from the day of in sanity. The comrades then asked : What is this insanity day? He answered them : The sweat of Hell dewllers. In another narration : squeeze of Hell dewellers. another Hadeeth is : He who drinks liqour on earth will be deprived of it on the hereafter. He also said : the drunkard meets Allaah as a mushrik when he dies drunk.
Fatal Sin Fifteen: Pride, Proudness & Malice
The Almighty said :
Moses said : I have indeed called my Lord and your Lord (for protection) from every arrogant one who believes not in the Day of Judgement . |
He also says :
Undoubtly Allaah does know what they conceal and what they reveal verily He loves not the arrogant. |
A third verse is :
Those who dispute about the signs of Allaah without any authority bestowed on them - there is nothing in their breasts but greatness which they shall never attain to seek refugee. |
The Prophet said : He who has an atom of Pride will never enter Paradise. Also, he said : Once a man was walking proudly in his clothes that Allaah made the ground swallow him, and he is rattaling in it till the Day of Judgement. he said also : Proud and pride people will bevalied at the day of Judgement like atoms for the people to step on. One of the Salaf said : The first that Allaah was disobeyed with is pride.
Allaah says :
And behold, We said to the angels ; Bow down to Adam, they bowed down not Iblis, he refused and was haughty he was of those who reject faith : So he who feels proud not to follow the right path as satan has once done, his faith will serve him not. |
The Prophet said : Pride is to tyranize right and encroach upon someone’s rights.
Allaah says :
And swell not thy cheek (for pride) at men, nor walk in insolence through the earth, for Allaah loves not any arrogant boaster. |
The Prophet said in a hadeeth Qudsee : Allaah says : greatness is my cover, and pride is my gown. He who fights me in them, I shall throw him into Hell. The Prophet said : Hell & Paradise quarreled togther and went to Allaah saying : Paradise O Allaah why my dewllers all of poor people and weak people. Hell : why are my dewellers all of proud people.
The Almighty says :
That the Home of the Hereafter shall give to those who intend not high-handedness or mischief on earth. |
And He also says :
And swell not your cheek (for pride) of men nor walk in insolence through the earth, for Allaah loves not..... |
That is don’t turn your face away from others out of pride and malice. Salamah Ibn al-’Akwa’a : A man once ate with his left hand in front of the Prophet, the Prophet said : to him : Eat with your right hand the man said I can’t [ out of pride ] The Prophet said Forever you can’t. The man then was neverable to lift his hand to his mouth ever again. The Prophet said also Shall I tell you about who dwells in Hell. Every cruel covetous, impatient talkative prooud and pride man. Ibn Umar said : I heard the Prophet saying : There is no proud man who walks proudly and greatens himself, but meets Allaah angry on him. The Prophet also said : The first three who enter Hell are a tyrant king, a wealthy who does not pay Zakaat, and a proud poor man.
I [the author] say : the worst malice is to be proud with your knowledge on the people, and greatened in himself with his virtues, this does not help him his knowledge, because he demands knowledge for the sake of the hereafter, his knowledge takes his soul humbly, and he is humble at heart, and his soul is cool, and watches himself carefully he is always awake and reckons it. If he is unaware of it for a minute it destroys him. He who demands knowledge for pride and mastership, and looked at other Muslims and act stupidly towards them and lessens from their ranks this is greater than pride and he who has an atom of pride in his heart will never enter paradise No power except from Allaah.
Fatal Sin Sixteen: Testifying False Testimonies
The Almighty says :
Those who witness no false hood and if they pass by futility they pass honourable |
It is said that testifying false testimonies is equal with Shirk. Allaah says Such (is the Hajj) whoever honours the sacred rites of Allaah for him it is good in the sight of the Lord....and shun the word that is false.
In the Hadeeth : No leg of a man who testified a false testimony withdraws [from the straight path : as-Sirat] till Hell is judged for him to dwell in it. I say : False testimonies have fatal sins, one of them is lying
Allaah says :
Allaah guides not one who transgress and lies. |
And the Prophet said : al-Mumin can be natured on anything but not lying and treachery. The other one is that he has tyranized the one whom he testified against that by his testimony deprived the ill treated one from his money, and soul. The third great sin is that the one who testified tyranized the one whom he testified for since he opened the way for him to gain prohibited money that surely will lead him to the Hell-Fire. the Prophet said : He whom I judge money for him from his brothers which is not his don’t take it is a part of Hell-fire which I gave him. Sin number four is that the testifier permitted what is prohibited by Allaah and prevented it from prevented : money, virtue, and dignity. In that matter the Prophet said: It is forbidden for each Muslim to deprive his brother from : money, blood, and dignity.
The Prophet also said : Shall I tell you the most fatal sins of all? Shirk, disobeying parents, lying at testimonies. the latter, the Prophet repeated it until we [his comrades] wished that he stops.
Fatal Sin Seventeen: Sodomy
Allaah has narrated for us this story of the people of the Prophet Lut in many places in the Qur’aan and that he destroyed them completely for their fatal sin [sodomy]. Thus all Muslims agree that sodomy is a fatal sin. Allaah says :
........of all the creatures in the world will you approach males and leave those whom Allaah has created for you to be mates? No you are a people transgressing (all limits). |
Sodomy is greater and uglier than adultery. The Prophet said : Kill the doer and the one that the action is done on him. THe Prophet also said Allaah damns he who does as the people of Lut have done. Ibn Abbas said : Look for the highest building and throw the sodomite from it. The Prophet said : Lesbianism between women is adultery. In al-Shafi’is view the penalty for the sodomite is as the penalty for the adultrous. The Islamic nation agreed that he who commits sodomy with his slave is criminal sodomite.